A visit from Prof. Lukas Novotny
November 2024
Prof. Lukas Novotny, head of the Photonics Lab and former advisor of Jayadev at ETH Zurich, visits us on a rainy day to share his wisdom as we start setting up the Quantum Engineering Lab!
Visit to the STFC Hartree Quantum Computing Centre
Roman, Aatif and Will join the group!
October 2024
Roman John Waller Alvarez starts as the first PhD student of the Quantum Engineering Lab, to create nonlinear mechanical motion in macroscopic quantum systems. Mohammed Aatif and William Guest join as Master’s students, full of motivation to transform an empty optical table into a state-of-the-art quantum optics experiment.
News & Views in Nature Physics
August 2024
A News & Views article by Jayadev covering recent experiments on engineering non-reciprocal optical interactions in levitated mechanical systems by teams in Vienna and Brno was published in Nature Physics.
Link to article -
End of summer internships
August 2024
After the delivery of their final presentations on implementing quantum algorithms on IBM’s Qiskit platform, we headed to the Kro Bar for a farewell lunch. Congratulations to the 2024 cohort for their impressive achievements!
July 2024
Our interns Xiaotian, Kaiwen, Bryan and Matej participated in the “Practical Quantum Computing” workshop held at the STFC Hartree Centre where they learnt about developing quantum algorithms using qiskit. They were also given a tour of the Centre by Edo Altamura!
Showcasing science at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition
July 2024
Jayadev was one of the volunteers from the University of Manchester as part of the NAME consortium at the recent Royal Society Summer Exhibition at London. He had a happy day explaining how materials can be built atom-by-atom to an audience ranging from 5-year old budding scientists to Nobel laureates!
Press release by University of Manchester on recent publication!
March 2024
Jessica Marsh from the press department of the University has written a wonderful popular science article about our recent publication “Cavity-mediated long-range interactions in levitated optomechanics” that describes why our experiments are important for fundamental science and how they will impact future technologies.
Link to article- Scientists make nanoparticles dance to unravel quantum limits
New publication in Nature Physics!
March 2024
Our latest work, demonstrate strong programmable interactions between two optically levitated nanoparticles, mediated by a cavity. These results are based on experiments carried out last year at ETH Zurich in group of our collaborator Lukas Novotny.
Link to paper- Cavity-mediated long-range interactions in levitated optomechanics